The Idea of Lean manufacturing is based upon two pillars. First, reduction of wastage in the process of manufacture of the end product, secondly increasing the value of the end product by involvement of the employees and encouragement of efficient processes.
While all this seems to be a theoretical story, Lean manufacturing in practicality is the best technique to expand your business enterprise. There have been debates regarding the concept and success of Lean manufacturing.
Advocating the idea of Lean manufacturing Yorkshire one would put forward various benefits arising out of such shifts in the day-to-day business processes of any unit. It can be translated into changes in the way you plan, manufacture, strategize, implement various strategies, techniques and processes necessary to build the end product.
Benefits of lean manufacturing
When we talk about the organisational changes, you can be sure of a shift in the current way of doing things. Lean thinking is directly related to change of course of action.
The lean model diverts resources to more beneficial processes. It could also mean to shorten the whole process cycle to achieve more productivity. Let’s have a look at the various merits of these changes.
1. Process Complexity
Lean manufacturing simply cuts short the complexity of things in your business. It shortens the whole manufacturing cycle and gives you the same end product of higher quality with fewer processes.
2. Better Management of Changing Priorities
With reducing the waste, you mean diverting your energies to a more productive thing. A change in your priority is brought about gradually when resources work more efficiently and reap positive results.
3. Better Project Visibility and Increased Team Productivity
Lean thinking brings about clarity among the workforce. The human resources are more focused and dedicated. There is less confusion about the processes and the way they are to be completed. This can improve productivity in a short span of time. The stakeholders too get clarity about the return on investment and can plan for even bigger goals in the future.
4. Increased Team Morale
Is it not obvious that such a smooth working environment would bring about satisfaction, creativity, and innovation among the team of your organisation? Lean thinking clears the clouts of factors that hinder the processes at your workplace.
5. Reduced Costs
You save a bigger share of resources for important tasks for your product manufacturing. You would be able to efficiently employ your money, workforce and other resources for growth of business.
6. Predictable Delivery of Customer Value
Customer satisfaction is the ultimate product that is connected to all other factors promoting business expansion. When you have a customer satisfied with a product of optimum quality, you are in multiple ways benefitted. For example, customer satisfaction builds demand, self advertising capacity, brand name and finally a bigger share of profits.
A Shift towards the lean manufacturing
While all this is happening your employees might start to fear about their termination from jobs as a part of reduction of wastage. The transition to a Lean manufacturing idea can lead to rumours of cost-cutting that involves termination of various employees and positions. But the management of any business should be very careful when they start to initiate the process of transformation.
Lean manufacturing would, on one hand, mean reducing and eliminating wastage. It cannot be readily translated to firing the employees. So what’s the best way to initiate and commence this transition and bring about changes in the business?
- When you are sure of the idea that Lean manufacturing is the way ahead for your business then you must conduct a round table conference along with your employees for a group discussion.
- There should be transparency between the management and the employees to drive away all the rumours.
- Lean manufacturing Employee training for the new business model would encourage them to adopt this system with Open hands. There are various benefits of adopting employee training for lean manufacturing.
- Employees knowledgeable about the concept can contribute with their inputs.
This change management approach amounts to a happy environment for the employees. this way they feel valued, respected and a part of the organisation as a whole.
A healthy social environment at work can be seen as a contributor to a more accurate and efficient workforce. They enhance the productivity level of the employees and can be beneficial for the business in the long run.